Saturday, March 21, 2015

Visit 10: Presenting Collages and Folded Paper

Here are some of the student's finished collage works. Today they presented on their pieces. They talked about their inspirations for their work and what they liked about what the had made.

Some students were not finished at the beginning of class so they worked while others presented. As each one finished they got up to show their piece. 

When they finished with their collages I had them work on a short paper folding project. Only some students finished early so I had them work in a group. They worked together to find ways to use paper to make three dimensional objects. One student knew how to fold a origami flower and she taught that to her fellow students. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Visit 9: Continuing Collage

Today was a work day for the students. I helped them focus in on their ideas and gave them individual advice on how to move forward in their work. Here are some of the in process shots from the second day of working on this project. Some students really embraced the layering effect in their collages.

Others opted to cover more area on their papers and space out their mages.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Visit 8: Collaging True Statments

For their final assignment we worked with collage. I gave them three days to work on this project so they would have more time to create a finished product. We began by talking about three very different collage artists.

Mark Bradford

Arturo Herrera

Rebecca Plestch

I then showed them some artists who incorporate text into their work that are working in mediums other than collage.

Jenny Holzer

Doug Atiken

Jung Lee

The assignment gave the students was to create a collage that said something that they thought was true. Either a message they wanted to write out in words like the text artists or curated images that represented an idea they believed in. These are some of the beginnings of their work.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Visit 7: Non-Tradditional Materials Collaboration

I switched out post-it notes for plastic forks and the students worked on making finished sculptures. I had them work in groups of 2-4. They spent the whole time working on the project. 

Some groups had trouble sticking to a single idea and ended up making and remaking about three or four different tideas within the hour.

Boats were a common theme.

As were flowers.

There were also a few that seemed totally abstract.